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So kann's gehen...2003 Cobra durch die Polizei beschlagnahmt

Verfasst: 21.02.2008, 09:43
von Jen
Gefunden auf - das tat dem Besitzer sicher mehr weh als jede Geld- oder Gefängnisstrafe. :shock:
For one 2003 Cobra owner who was caught street racing illegally in Charlotte, North Carolina he payed the ultimate price of having his ride confiscated by police. The Cobra along with a 2005 350Z were caught street racing in South Charlotte and are now property of the Charlotte Mecklenburg Police HITS (Highway Interdiction and Safety) Unit.

According to CMPD Captain Andy Kornberg “If you get caught street racing, we’re going to take your car and I’m going to enjoy driving it.” Now the police are using the cars in Charlotte to combat street racing, speeders and aggresive drivers who break the law. Instead of hiding behind billboards in marked cars “We are going to hide in plain sight,” said Kornberg who vows to stop illegal street racing by setting a precedant to other street racers, if you get caught racing we will take your car.

Both cars had to be modified to be made street legal again for use as official police vehicles. The cars were also outfitted with the latest laser detection radar and a wide array of blue lights hidden in the grill, windows, taillights and mirrors. Both the Cobra and 350Z are now a part of the 24 car, unmarked fleet used by HITS to enforce traffic laws througout the Mecklenburg county.







Verfasst: 21.02.2008, 10:20
von Baumi
Na immerhin haben die Bullen dort mal ein anständiges Policecar ;)

Eines zum den illegalen Streetracern nachzuheizen und auch ne reale Chance zum schnappen haben.

Verfasst: 21.02.2008, 11:14
von grendi
..nettes spielzeug.. :shock:
..ob die wohl die NOS anlage wieder ausgebaut haben.. :twisted: