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Verkaufszahlen 2010+ Modell

Verfasst: 11.06.2009, 13:55
von Jen
Schön, dass er sich doch verkauft, der 2010er. hat geschrieben:I don't know about you but I have been anxiously awaiting May's sales figures for a few reasons. The first being May is the first full month 2010 Mustangs have been sold at dealerships which should give us a good preview of what sales will be like in the coming Summer months. Another being how well the Mustang is selling with the increased price over last years models. In the sales figures below you will see Mustang sales are strong and the increased price in this down economy has had little affect on buyers.

Sales of Ford Mustangs for May of 2009 were 8,812 compared to 9,633 from April of 2008 showing a 8.5% decrease in sales from the previous year. Year to date Mustang sales are 26,156 compared to 44,160 for 2008, which is a 40.8% drop.

Month to Month sales showed more improvement, April 2009 sales were 7,699 compared to May 2009 sales of 8,812 which is a 14.4% increase for month to month sales. Not as much as lasts months 48% increase month to month sales but its a nice healthy increase to build on.

Verfasst: 14.06.2009, 23:48
..... hab mich IMMER NOCH NICHT an das Heck gewoehnt ! :lol:

Verfasst: 15.06.2009, 06:06
von TomiTomi
Siehst zu wenige. :mrgreen:

Re: Verkaufszahlen 2010+ Modell

Verfasst: 10.07.2009, 08:56
von CCRenegade
Juni-Zahlen sind raus: :? hat geschrieben:It looks like Ford Mustang sales have hit a little speed bump on the road to recovery as month to month sales have decreased by double-digit figures. The past few months sales have been increasing steadily giving us hope Mustang sales were headed in the right direction but as you will see below the figures tell the tail. Are we starting to see the impact of what the 2010 Chevrolet Camaro and the 2009 Dodge Challenger will have on the Mustang, probably so.

Sales of Ford Mustangs for June of 2009 were 7,632 compared to 10,893 from June of 2008 showing a 29.9% decrease in sales from the previous year. Year to date Mustang sales are 33,788 compared to 55,053 for 2008, which is a 38.6% drop.

Month to Month sales were a little disappointing to say the least with May 2009 sales being 8,812 compared to June 2009 sales of 7,632 which is a 13.4% decrease for month to month sales.

Verfasst: 13.07.2009, 03:51
von Camelback
Mit sooowas würd ich auch noch helfen die Verkaufszahlen zu steigern...

steht by Pacific Ford in Long Beach, CA. Nach Angaben der Verkäufer gehört er den "Ford guys, driving around at LA freeways for some tests...". Leider waren sie gerade nicht da, hätte mich sonst sofort für ein paar Tests angeboten :lol:



und dann gabs noch einen schwarzen "normalo", aufliniert neben einem weissen 07er GT500 Convertible (Preistag 46'000.-$ irgendwas)




und als Krönung haben die im Showroom noch einen...



Obwohl sie so freundlich waren und die Absperrseile und Tafeln, zumindest teilweise, wegräumten, wollten sie mich auch mit diesem keine Runde drehen lassen
:( naja, vielleicht nächstes mal...

Verfasst: 13.07.2009, 07:23
von outlaw
Booooaaaeeehhhhh das ist ja fast wie "schwimmen in schönen Autos"... :D

Verfasst: 14.08.2009, 13:43
von Jen
Und weiter geht's abwärts... hat geschrieben:Sales of Ford Mustangs for July of 2009 were 6,686 compared to 10,711 from June of 2008 showing a 37.6% decrease in sales from the previous year. Year to date Mustang sales are 40,474 compared to 65,764 for 2008, which is a 38.5% drop.

Month to Month sales disappointed again for the second straight month as June 2009 sales were 7,632 compared to July 2009 sales of 6,686 which is a 14.1% decrease.

Verfasst: 17.08.2009, 08:12
Solche Vergleiche mit den Vorjahresmonaten werden mindestens bis Ende 3. Quartal noch dramatisch schlecht aussehen da erst so ab 4. Quartal 2008 die Krise sich in der Realwirtschaft und somit in den Autoverkäufen so richtig drastisch bemerkbar machte.

Der Basiseffekt ab 4. Quartal 2009 wird es also zumindest optisch weniger schlimm aussehen lassen da ab dann zunehmend schlechte Absatzzahlen mit Katastrophal schlechten verglichen werden wird...

Verfasst: 01.09.2009, 14:18
von Jen
Solche Berichte sollten die Verkaufszahlen doch eigentlich erhöhen. :thumbsup:

Consumer Reports names Mustang best of new muscle cars

Verfasst: 02.09.2009, 09:12
von Jen
August 2009: hat geschrieben:Sales of Ford Mustangs for August of 2009 were 6,289 compared to 8,197 from August of 2008 showing a 23.3% decrease in sales from the previous year. Year to date Mustang sales are 46,763 compared to 73,961 for 2008, which is a 36.8% drop.

Month to Month sales were more of the same as they edged downward for the third straight month with July 2009 sales being 6,686 compared to August 2009 sales of 6,289 which is a 6% decrease.

Verfasst: 02.09.2009, 14:50
Dies ist allerdings kein Problem das ausschliesslich unser Modell betrifft, sondern schlicht in etwa die Grössenordnung des Absatzeinbruchs in der Gesamtbranche, eher sogar etwas weniger da sich Mustangs offenbar wenigstens vergleichsweise noch relativ(!) gut zu verkaufen scheinen.

So in etwa ab Oktober 2009 dürften zumindest die prozentualen Unterschiede bei Vergleichen zum entsprechenden Vorjahresmonat abnehmen dank dem Basiseffekt, d.h. weil sich der Absatzeinbruch in der Realwirtschaft im Jahr 2008 erst ab 3. Quartal so richtig bemerkbar machte.. :(

Kommt schon gut für Ford! Fingers crossed!!

Verfasst: 06.10.2009, 19:23
von Jen
September 2009: hat geschrieben:Sales of Ford Mustangs for September of 2009 were 4,917 compared to 4,910 from September of 2008 showing a 0.1% increase in sales from the previous year. Year to date Mustang sales are 51,680 compared to 78,871 for 2008, which is a 34.5% drop.

Month to Month sales were disappointing like I said above with August 2009 sales being 6,289 compared to September 2009 sales of 4,917 which is a 22% decrease.

Verfasst: 07.11.2009, 10:46
von Jen
Oktober 2009 hat geschrieben:Sales of Ford Mustangs for October of 2009 were 4,789 compared to 4,686 from October of 2008 showing a 2.2% increase in sales from the previous year. Year to date Mustang sales are 56,469 compared to 83,557 for 2008, which is a 32.4% drop.

Month to Month sales were lower just a bit with September 2009 sales being 4,917 compared to October 2009 sales of 4,789 which is a 2.6% decrease.

Verfasst: 12.12.2009, 23:52
von Jen
November 2009 hat geschrieben:Sales of Ford Mustangs for November of 2009 were 3,627 compared to 3,667 from October of 2008 showing a 1.1% decrease in sales from the previous year. Year to date Mustang sales are 60,096 compared to 87,224 for 2008, which is a 31.1% drop.

Month to Month sales were down sharply with October 2009 sales being 4,789 compared to November 2009 sales of 3,627 which is a 24% decrease.

Verfasst: 17.01.2010, 12:21
von Jen
Dezember 2009 :wohoo: hat geschrieben:After several continuous months of lackluster sales the Ford Mustang finishes 2009 on a high with sales rebounding in a big way for December. Mustang Sales increased sharply from the near historic low of November but lets not break out the Champagne yet as the Chevrolet Camaro increased it's sales dominance to a seventh straight month with 7,548 units sold. It seems the incentives Ford has placed on the 2010 Mustangs is working but expect numbers to come down as buyers hold off for the new engines making their way into the 2011 Mustangs. All the sales figures are below.

Sales of the Ford Mustang for December of 2009 were 6,527 compared to 4,027 from December of 2008 showing a 62.1% increase in sales from the previous year. Year to date Mustang sales are 66,623 compared to 91,251 for 2008, which is a 27% drop.

Month to Month sales were up sharply as November 2009 sales were 3,627 compared to December 2009 sales of 6,527 which is an 80% increase.